Prepare for your first attempt to fail

In life, business, sports, pretty much any discipline, prepare for your first attempt to fail.

Why? because it often will and if you don’t have a back up plan or series of backup plans then you’ll be owned, frustrated, beat down. 

When fighting out of side control, best practices say to create space with frames and get to your side by creating a shrimping action with your body. But applying this in a real life situation is no easy task, you need to repeat these steps over and over again against a good opponent. Your first attempt at creating space and shrimping will almost always fail. 

Learning anything involves a lot of failure at first. The first time you try and start a business you’ll probably fail (I did) but the lessons you learned from that failure could make the difference in your next venture. (It did)

Closing clients, convincing a stranger to go on a date with you, getting your dream job all involve failure at some point. The trick is to not give up and try again with the experience you earned from the previous failure. Failures aren’t failures really, they are opportunities to try again a different way, perhaps.