Energy is Energy


You can wield it to your advantage or let it eat you.

Think of the energy you get when you are wronged. How easy is it to create energy for revenge?

The most some people write anymore is in their bad reviews.

Or when you get horny? Men will move mountains if it meant sleeping with the right woman

The world gives us energy and we have a choice as to how we will use it.

Jordan used anger to win championships.

Some use it to write bad reviews and lament on their misfortune.

Others use it drive harder in whatever they choose. It could be to prove a doubter wrong or a simple fuck you to mediocrity.

Negative energy…. you just put a label on it. Labels are bad. Labels are what divide us. The good from the bad. The blacks and the whites. The christians and the muslims. They are not their labels as much as negative energy isn’t either.

Energy is energy and people are people

We can choose to use our energy in positive ways or not.

People can choose to be positive or not.

And that is too simple. Because it’s always both. And labels have their benefits. At the very least they are descriptive.

There is negative and positive energy out there. We make it. We get energy and we put it out in the world. Some turn negative energy into positive and others do the opposite.

There are good people in the world and there are bad. Everyone is both.

But at the end of the day energy is energy and people are people.